Monday, November 14, 2022

Week 79: CPR in the Arby's parking lot

 Wow. This week was an eventful one to say the least. I don't even know where to start. But I'll just hop right in like usual! Stay tuned for an insane mission story also lol:

Things to know:
- I hit my 18 months. Still don't know how to feel about it haha. So weird. Never thought I would get to this point
- Had my last zone conference ever :,( Also very weird. I got to say a couple words... which means I'm definitely getting old haha. And I didn't even cry until they played the closing hymn "Called to Serve" and it started to hit me that I wouldn't be called to serve for very much longer. Sad life.
(To Elder Cabaniss: They made pork for lunch)
- Our friend Samantha came to church! And so did a couple others but Samantha has a fun story of how we got her to church hah. We gave her a church tour this week and she said it made her more excited to come! Then she texts us saying her washer broke and she has to go to her parents Sunday to do her laundry. So we respond with: "We are coming over to grab your laundry and do it in our machine!" of course. We go and get it and then throw it all in the wash! And voila! She was able to come! Lol the things we do to get people to church.
- Haha we also got pulled over, and it finally wasn't my fault! Tiwi failed us tho because apparently you can still get pulled over for going 5 over?? Anyway we got out of the ticket because you know... #blessings 

Stories of the week:
- So now for the craziest part of the week. We roll up to Arby's to have a lesson with our man JR (Can't go to his house alone because he is a single man yanno). As we pull into the parking lot there is literally a man laying on the ground unconscious. He was probably around 80 years old. His car door was wide open and he was just lying right there on the pavement next to it. There's a man standing above him calling the police and everyone is staring. We park and I'm like there's no way we are just walking into a lesson and just gonna leave this man here!?! Even though Sis Petey did not want to help. So I run over to where he is laying right as this other girl comes over and starts slapping his face telling him to wake up. I tell her I'm CPR certified (even tho I've never actually had to save someone's life with it) and she says she is too and that she's a nurse. She starts doing CPR right then and there and his head is fr just banging on the concrete so I jumped down and held his head while the girl did CPR. Honestly it was kind of scary because his face was purple from not breathing and his eyes were rolled back into his head. I thought he was already dead. And the last thing I wanted was someone to literally die in my arms on the mission. So I'm praying my guts out and after the 2nd round of CPR he starts breathing again! He was still unconscious tho, and then the police and the ambulance started showing up. They got him into the ambulance and drove away. I don't even know what this guys name was?! Or even if he lived or not. But I pray he did. And yeah. There's the story of the time I (kinda maybe hopefully) saved someone's life by helping do CPR in the Arby's parking lot as a missionary.

Spiritual thought:
- With my experience above I was reflecting a lot about how incredible God's timing is, and how He leads us to be at the right place at the right time. Even if we have no idea what will take place, or that we were being guided by the Spirit in the first place! This exact reflection reminded me of an awesome scripture:

"And I was led by the Spirit, not knowing beforehand the things which I should do" - 1 Nephi 4:6

God knows all things, and He surely works in mysterious ways. He knew that we would plan to meet our friend JR at Arby's, and JR wouldn't even show, just so we could be there to help that man. I wish that I could say I did more than merely hold his head, but I'm just glad I was there. Trust that the Lord is guiding you in ways you do not see or don't even plan on. It will happen exactly how and when it is supposed to.


Can't believe this wonderful time
is almost to the end credits 

Let me know if you still want a 
homecoming announcement 


Sis Diggy

.5 + Sunsets
92 to 98
Big 18 months lol
Christmas time
Craziest night ever
E Summerill
El Sombrero
Hermana Fowler
It was cold
Last ZC
Lewis + Clark
Martinellis Sponsor
My bestie
Not 21, just 18
Samantha came to church
Sis Foote
Sis Fotu
Sis Lundy
Sis Mauga
Sis Nygard
Tiwi failed us

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...