Monday, November 28, 2022

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. I get excited, then nervous, then sad I'm leaving, etc haha. But I know that's normal. Most of all I have just felt super fulfilled with the end of my mission. And this seriously was the best last week ever!!! So stay tuned for the last email you ever have to hear from me!:

Things to know:
- Had 8 friends come to church for my last Sunday to hear me speak and it was amazing . Best last Sunday ever!
- Had lots of good last lessons and things this week, and said lots of goodbyes too:,( This place is literally my second home, I'm going to miss it soooo stinking much 
- Had a FUN Thanksgiving!!! We ate at our bishops house and got to call family too!
- Went to fun places for lunch for my last week, and had a fun last district lunch today before I go home. Gonna miss the Lewheezer District a whole lot #fomo
- Found 6 new friends this week and there were lots and lots of miracles for my last full week as a missionary! God is good 
- We also went to a members baptism in the ward and his step dad is a non member we are teaching and he said he "felt something". KARL IS THE BEST!!!
- Had my last district council and my district had a funeral for me haha #rip 
- Finished the Old testament today so I could say I read the whole standard works (Bible, Book of Mormon, and Doctrine and Covenants) on my mission! The scriptures are awesome and they sure are true.
- Tomorrow I go up to the temple with the other 19 missionaries going home with me, and then we get to have dinner and have fun together at the mission home. And then I fly home Wednesday! I'm so excited!

Stories of the week:
- One of my favorite last miracles on the mission was having my new friends the Seay's and their family come to church. They were the friends we met only last Sunday, but this week we had a great first lesson with them and then they invited us over for pie on Thanksgiving! Their daughter Annie was there and we started talking with her and literally found out she is a member?!?! Like what!!! She got in a bad car accident right after she was baptized like two years ago and was paralyzed and hasn't been to church since. But she said she has been feeling like she needs to come back and was so happy she met us. We invited her and her parents to come to church and THEY CAME! And they said they loved it. Annie asked for my phone number to stay in touch after my mission because my "soul shines to her". Ahhh. God is so good. I'm going to miss witnessing so many miracles firsthand like this!
- Funny story for this week was the APs called us on Friday night to tell my comp that she will be training. But before they did that they asked me to go off speaker. And i was like ??? I thought you were calling for Sister Peterson and they were like no go off speaker and I was like ... okay. So I do and Elder Anae says: "On behalf of President LeBaron we are inviting you to extend your mission". I was like uhhhh you're kidding right. They said yes. Oh my gosh they got me good. I was like I mean I probably shouldn't say no if they're serious but like cmon don't ask me to do that 5 days before I go home.

Spiritual thought:
- I really don't have anything profound to say because I'm sure you'll all get to hear my testimony when I come home. But I just would like to say that serving a mission has absolutely changed my life. It was one of the best decisions I have ever ever ever made. I know who I am and I know who my Savior and Father in Heaven are because I chose to serve. I have seen countless lives changed, including my own, because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ! He lives, and is my Savior, Friend, Healer, and King.






And the rest of you too hahaha

God is good

Thank you all for the support

See ya!

Lots and lots of love,

Sister Dickson signing out

Homecoming info:
December 11th at 12:00 pm
10860 South 3200 West, South Jordan, UT 84095

Lunch after:
1:00-3:00 pm
10637 S Bison View Cv, South Jordan, UT 84095

Light Contacting
Acai in Lewi
Best District
Bye Stinky
Coordination Crew
Gonna miss boonies
Hanna + Cat
Lewiston lookout
Lunch last pday
My funeral
Nail day with besties
Rip Petey X Diggy
The best
The dream team
The Gammills
Turkey Day!

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...