Monday, July 25, 2022

Week 63: Lewistanky round 2?!

 I am so lazy with these lately because I keep waiting until the end of pday and then I have no time. So I apologize to anyone who actually reads these, because they haven't been the best quality weeklies lol!

Things to know:
- So yeah transfer news came and I am staying in Lewiston! I made it sound like it was a surprise but it really wasn't, I just get moved around so much I can never be too sure. (Also Lewiston really doesn't stink as bad as everyone says it does, I just think the nickname is funny). Sister Lundell and I are staying together and I'm hyped! We are the same person and its so fun to be with a companion who wants to just go out & give everything! She'll be here 6 months so shes kinda ready to leave but it'll be sweet. We are gonna go crazy on the member work this transfer to shake up the finding! 
- They also swept like 3 of our sisters out with elders next transfer so hahaha we just went from 5 Sisters down to 2. Kinda sad!
- I went on exchanges with Sister Fotu and it was so fun. Its cool to both of our growth since the last time I was her STL. Because honestly I had no idea what I was doing my 3rd transfer. She is so amazing though and I'm so glad we get to be here together.
- We went out to the boons of our area and did lots of finding and it was SO fun getting to do some mini road trips. Waha is the prettiest place ever. We also ate at the most BOMB restaurant in the middle of nowhere. My mission has lowkey made me want to live somewhere boonie someday.
- Our friends are all progressing pretty nicely and it's been cool to see some of them grow a lot. We are getting a temple date for Dawnjeana soon too. #letsgoo
- Celebrated some of the sisters milestones in the mission this week too so had some fun little lunch dates and things!
- Also went to a cool Dam in Orofino today for a last hurrah with the zone. I'm going to miss my friends. We did a hike and I was sad I couldn't swim in the reservoir and go off a sweet rope swing haha, but at least I could put my feet in.

Stories of the week:
- Our friend Mike came to church and he is literally the coolest. He said he didn't feel like coming, but something told him he should. One of our members gave a talk in Sacrament and he said it answered almost every single one of his questions and it was the most amazing experience hes ever had!! So cool. I love being a missionary!!!!
- Our housing coordinators came to fix our door this week and they just walked on in and let their dog in our house. It was so funny. His name is Roscoe and he's cool.

Spiritual thought:

Everyday there are so many great lessons i learn on the mission. I am seriously so grateful for the good times and the hard times that each teach me something. I love becoming who God needs me to be! It's definitely not an easy process, but I don't think it's meant to be. I have been trying to get out of that perfectionist mindset and just be happy with where I'm at in my journey. I know God is proud of me so who needs other peoples opinions right? :))

I love ya'll!

Can't believe I'm starting my 3rd to last transfer

Time flies when you're serving the Lord

Until next week,

Sister Dickson

A good quote from a friend
Best burgers in town
Classic sunsets!
   DDDDDL vibes
Dream team round 2
Last (half) zone pic
My lil friend
Sis Lundys 13th
Sister Fotu!
Straight from heaven
Waha lake!
We got a dog

Monday, July 18, 2022

Week 62: Dawnjeana for the win!

 Gotta write a quick one this week so sorry! Love and miss you all :))

Things to know:
- Dawnjeana got baptized and it was AMAZING!!! Such a special day
- I hit my 14 months
- Went on 2 exchanges outside of our area this week and it was fun! Still found 7 new too
- Said goodbye to Sister Asay since she leaves soon, that was sad 
- I talked in Sacrament again and it was great!

Stories of the week:
- We went to go contact someone and they were breaking up with their boyfriend and so it was super awkward hahahah. They were standing outside the door and we walked around the corner of the stairs of her apartment and saw her and her boyfriend with some PDA. Mortified.

- Spiritual thought

Everyone read Mosiah 5:12 :)) Its important to remember Him!!! Write His name on your hearts !!!

Thats all!

I love this work

Sister Dickson 

14 months
Bye Sister Asay
Dawnjeana for the win!
Grangeville sisters!
McFlurry time
My fave fam in Moscow!
Presidents pday!
Pretty palouse
Sister Van + AP

Monday, July 11, 2022

Week 61: Lights Out

 Hey y'all! This week was awesome!!! Hope everyone is doing good. My fam is in cabo but jokes on them because I dont miss them at all.

Things to know:
- A couple weeks ago Dawnjeana asked us to move her baptism back to August 6th. This week we had an awesome lesson with her and we invited her to pray about when the Lord needed her to be baptized. Then she texted us today and said she wants to move her date up to THIS SATURDAY! Such a miracle!!! We are so excited for her.
- We had zone conference and it was fun! Except for the fact that I keep realizing the longer I'm on my mission, the less missionaries I know. Don't know how to explain it but #iykyk. Wished I could have seen all my friends there before they go home soon but its fine. And I miss my apartment in North, you know who you are!
- Went on two exchanges this week and they were so fun! Went with Sister Foote who is a BEAST and Sister Bartels who came out with me and her and I just switch places a lot haha so it was fun to finally get to go on an exchange with her! She's fun :))
- Said bye to Sister Gibbs, she left for the MTC this week! She is going to be such an amazing missionary! Miss you already!! 
- We chopped wood for like 4 hours this week and my whole entire body is sore but now I'm hopefully shredded too.
- We had p-day at Presidents house today and it was super fun!!! We have been in the car for 4 hours tho haha. Also kinda funny tho because they said they were switching up the groups to get missionaries together that don't get to see each other at the usual zone conference groups, and we went with Moscow and we always go together.
- I spoke in Sacrament in my family ward and it was great, until our branch president texts and asks me to speak in the YSA next week. Good thing I love the Lord!

Stories of the week:
- HAHA this is so embarrassing. Sister Lundell and I talked to some friends after Sacrament and so we had to go late to relief society. As I go to open the door I accidentally hit the light switch with my elbow. I thought at first it was the hallway light, but as soon as it happened I knew what I had done. I stood there in horror knowing what I had done, and someone opened the door to come turn the light on and saw Sister Lundell and I standing there like dirty culprits! Haha we laughed for like 5 minutes and then went inside and I apologized, I was mortified.

Spiritual thought:
I shared my testimony on prophets this week and all I have been thinking about is what my life would be like without the Restoration. I am so grateful for modern-day prophets and the power of the priest to give us modern-day revelation and guidance! We truly would be lost without a prophet. If you don't know He is the true and living prophet, do what Joseph Smith did. Pray to God and ask!!

I love you all and hope you have a great week!

Sister Dickson

Bye Sister Gibbs
Elder Housley #rip
Elder Neerings
Happy 4th baby
Hermana Bowman
Lewiston pals
Lewiston Zone
Lumber jacks
Moscow Zone
Old compys
Sister Asay
Sister Bartels!
Sister Foote!
Sister Hart
Sister Jackson
Sister Lundell
Sister Nygard
Sisters ball!
Sus (picious)

Monday, July 4, 2022

Week 60: Slippin' & Slidin'

 HAPPY 4TH EVERYONE!!!!! I love america. We have a full day p-day today so we've been having fun and I keep procrastinating writing this. We tried to water balloon the elders at our bbq today and I ended up getting the bucket of water balloons dumped on me HAHA. Hope you all had a great week because this week was AWESOME !!!

Things to know:
- We went up to Moscow for p-day last week to be with the sisters and I got to even be in my old area for a second too so that was fun :)) We played games & balled!
- The Lord helped us find 20 new people to teach this week and it was so cool to see so many miracles. Sister Lundell and I have been on the grind and I couldn't be happier just working as hard as we can together!!
- We had two exchanges this week and I got to go with my trainees MTC comp Sister Malick, and my sweet Sister Belnap too! Love them both & had so much fun!!
- Its been warm and I'm starting to get a sweet tabling from my watch. And someone asked me if I was Iranian too because I'm getting so much sun hahah.
- Really that's all for the updates, but we have zone conference and some more exchanges this week so should be sweet!

Stories of the week:
- Soooo hahaha this ones funny. We went to visit our friend on date for baptism named Dawnjeana and her daughters birthday party was that night. They had a slip n slide and so we may or may not have gone on the slip n slide during our lesson. It was so fun haha (and don't worry we checked the standards first, it only says we can't go swimming!) Might have been a little borderline, but our friend was so happy and all of her non member friends and their kids came up and talked to us after and said their was a different light about us and that we made their night. So #miracles haha! I am a firm believer that Jesus would have done the same thing to make the kids and the adults happy so.
- Not so funny story, we had our friend in the home mtc Sister Gibbs come out with us again this week and we got anti-ed pretty hard. It made me sad because the lady was so angry and said she believed Jesus did not die for our sins. I wanted nothing more than to testify boldy of Jesus Christ and tell her she was wrong, but the spirit told me that it was better for me to stay silent because of how angry she already was. So we left, and I got to bear my testimony of my Savior in church yesterday in a better setting :,) Honestly getting anti-ed is kinda my favorite because it always strengthens my testimony more! Pray for my lady Jo haha!

Spiritual thought:
- Read a good scripture this week about how we have to have faith before God will manifest himself to us and I felt like it would've been perfect for my anti friends because they were saying how they demanded God to show them miracles and he never did so they didn't think he was real. So here's the scripture I loved and wished I could have shared with them, but I didn't read it until after haha:

2 Nephi 26:13 - "And that he manifesteth himself unto all those who believe in him, by the power of the Holy Ghost; yea, unto every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, working mighty miracles, signs, and wonders, among the children of men according to their faith"

Thats all!

I hope you all have a great week!

Love and miss you :))

Sister Dickson

4th of July parade
A cool truck
Comp study in the park lol
Exchange gang!
Happy bday murica
La Sinaloa
Moscow fields
P-day in Moscow last week!
Sis Belly
Sis Lundy
Sis Malick
Sister Gibbs
Slip n slide

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...