Monday, April 25, 2022

Re: Week 50: Filler content :)

 Hey y'all no time for a big one this week and its a good thing I have 0 updates. I love life and I am thriving even if there is no major "success"

Things to know:
- My step brother graduated from BYU. Congrats Schy you're a beast!
- Stake conference was yesterday and it was awesome! President didn't come tho, so that was sad. I love President.
- Gonna become an official adult on Saturday. Gotta put it out there tho since the AP's announced everyone else's except mine on a mission zoom.
- Everyone is ghosting us so pray for our friends.

Stories of the week:
- Sister Skinner and I went on a workshop for a training, and basically it was a very spiritual time and so yeah I was crying. Then Sister Skinner went off mute to ask a question and I didn't realize, and I totally said: "At least I still look cute" and the whole zoom heard. Last time I'm ever jokingly prideful haha, the Lord is definitely taking my transfer goal of becoming humble very literally.

Spiritual thought:

Here's how I'm feeling lately:)))

Alma 29:9 -

"I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy"

Have a great week 

Love ya'll!

Sis Diggy
Garden life
Hi Hermanas
Sister Bird fell off my shoulders
Spring time
The District

Monday, April 18, 2022

Week 49: "It's not about the bunny, it's about the Lamb"

 What's poppin everyone, this was a great week! Hope you all enjoyed Easter and felt the love of the Savior, because I sure did.

Things to know:
- Zone Conference this week! Got to see all my favorite people and talked to almost everyone I wanted to... Probably one of the best zone conferences I've ever experienced tho, we got so many good trainings and I felt so hyped to apply them!
- Our friends keep canceling on us. So we didn't teach a ton of lessons this week sadly. We had 5 people at church (may or may not have only been teaching half of them haha) because of Easter tho!
- Had exchanges with Sister Woolston and I absolutely adore her. Had a tender experience with a member that showed me that God is always in the details :,)
- Also got to see my twin TALI this week! (formerly known as Sister Pardo). Her and Sam (formerly known as Elder Wiberg) came to visit and got invited by our members to the same dinner. So weird but so fun to see them haha. I love my friends
- Hit 11 months... what. Sister Bird and I celebrated by getting chicken fil a with everyone. Random side note, we also play mancala every night and its gangster.

Stories of the week:
- One of our friends that came to church was... JANICE! Anyway most of you won't know who that is, but anyone who has served in North knows my lady Janice Swagerty. She said she really enjoyed it, she took 2 pages of notes and shared her testimony in 2nd hour?! #blessingsfromthemissionariesdoingserviceforherforoverhalfayear
- Yesterday while contacting, someone opened the door and purred at me. No kizzy. Haha I said hello and asked how they were doing and this lady goes "Purrrrrfect" and 3 cats run out from behind her. Nice.
- President was talking about high love and high expectations at zone conference; and he related high expectations but no love to Scout camp, and high love but no expectations to girls camp... lol.

Spiritual thought:
- With Easter this week I was thinking a lot about the sacrifice of my Savior Jesus Christ and truly how much He did for me. I know that I will never ever be able to pay him back for what He did, but after lots of thought & prayer I decided I wanted to sacrifice a little more for Him this week. This is not a flex at all haha but I just have to explain some background: I was having a hard time coming up with something to sacrifice because there really aren't many things I haven't already given to Him. What I ended up sacrificing was something that would probably be considered silly in most people's eyes haha, but it was still a sacrifice nonetheless. I won't compare my sacrifice to anything near what the Savior went through, but it felt rewarding to give up something that I cared about for Him (especially after Satan tried to make me doubt what I did lol). I know that no matter what God is proud of me for giving up something for Him, and He knows where my heart was. I am so grateful He gave up something that meant a lot to Him; His Son; for me. And I am eternally grateful for Jesus Christ sacrificing His life so that I can live with Him again. 

Also go watch the churches new video #goodnews if you haven't, it's pretty bomb. I have yet to watch it with dry eyes.

I hope you all enjoy this next week, and think about what more you can give to the Savior :))

Love ya!

Sis Diggy

11 months
Beauty a friend posted
Caught a chicker
Discoball #iykyk
District p-day
Happy Easters
Hottest apartment
Japan bound
Mike Virginia
Mommy daughter duo
Rip Elder Essig
Sam & Tali
Sprehny baby
Squatted Birdy

Monday, April 11, 2022

Week 48: Anotha one

 I have no creativity for subject lines sometimes. This was a great week as usual but not tons to update on, hence why I couldn't come up with a title:

Things to know:
-Our friend Latticia is the goat and reads the Book of Mormon every day, she said its comforting and she already knows its true! Imagine someone you teach having actual faith.
-We had a referral that requested a missionary visit and he came to church?! The coolest thing ever. It was the first time we met him and he said he loved it!
-We had a lot of lessons this week which was pretty lit, since that's always our main goal. Also this next week is zone conference and I am hyped lemme tell ya!
-An ice cream truck came down the street while we were tracting (#tendermercy) and so we of course got SpongeBob popsicles and talked to the man driving the truck.
-Someone we are teaching gave us mochi and they said the first vision was super powerful after my trainee recited it from memory... #bars
-Forgot to mention last week we had interviews with President and that was good as always. My favorite is when he takes selfies with us after he makes us cry

Stories of the week:
-This week we taught someone the law of chastity and we said that we couldn't look at porn and our friend goes "oops". I didn't know whether to laugh or cry so my companion and I sat there in silence for like 10 seconds. Then our friend said: "Nah I'm just kidding". She got us pretty good.
-We went to Janice's and she needed help drawing blood from her goats... I was outta there. I was not about to pass out. Then later I was fixing a fence for her and she came and stood DIRECTLY behind me. And she tried to steady me by hugging me from behind. No such thing as personal space in Janice's book.

Spiritual thought:
- Just was thinking about what it means to truly declare repentance because I read a lot of scriptures about it this week. As we share about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ we are declaring repentance because we are inviting people to change. And repentance really is just changing! It is turning to God. And that's one huge lesson I have learned on my mission! That it is all about change. That's all God is asking us to do! To give our mistakes and bad habits to Him, and He can help us become new & improved. It amazes me how many people we meet don't want to change... That they would rather stay in their unhappy ways than take a chance at something that could change their life. The gospel has truly changed my life, and I just want everyone to know what I know because of what I have learned on my mission! The end

Have a good week!!

Email me if you want :))


Sister Dickson


Hahah all of these are either of food, animals, or my favorite people. Enjoy

Baby bunnies
Latticia is the goat
My cute fam
Pink skies!
ice cream

Monday, April 4, 2022

Week 47: Conference, Pranks, & Bee Stings. Oh my!

 Seems like p-day was yesterday! I hope you all enjoyed conference this weekend, this was definitely one of the best I've seen. Maybe that's because conference on the mission is next level, or because I actually listen to all 5 sessions now haha. Either way, it was amazing!! And so was the rest of my week:

Things to know:
-Last Saturday Sister Skinner and I went tracting and found a new friend Latticia. We went back and taught her this week and we taught the gospel of Jesus Christ and she expressed how she wanted to be baptized! We put her on date for April 30th (my birthday) and it was so awesome. Trainee miracles are real lemme tell ya!
- We had 10 friends "come to church" this week because they all watched conference! We got to be there with some of them in members homes and it was such a great experience! We watched with Carlane + Collin, Michelle and her son Skyler, and Alma and her boys!
-After the session with Alma and her boys, Sister Skinner and I felt prompted to ask Alma to pray about her and her boys being baptized in our church. She was crying and said she would think and pray about it and thanked me for listening to the spirit and being bold enough to ask her!
-Yeah so I got stung by a bee. It landed on my head in a lesson and I tried to swipe it off and it got me. Rip to never being stung in my life.
-Half of my family had birthdays these last two weeks, so birthday shoutout to Roman, Presley, Dad, and Paul! Love you all.
-Got a new camera tiwi installed and it is the bane of my existence. Our mission is piloting them and so they aren't exactly ready to go yet, and I get told I'm speeding when I go 5 under the speed limit. At one point I had a line of 7 cars behind me lol.
-Also saw some good friends this week at different occasions so that was pretty cool

Stories of the week:
-We pulled a good prank on the Elders in our district on April fools hahah, we made them believe Sister Bird was going home. The prank was Sister Skinners idea and it actually worked out so perfect because we had district service on Friday and the STL's were coming to exchange, and we said they were coming to pick up Sister Bird to take her. Sister Bird stayed in her dress to go up to their area instead of being in service clothes too so it really looked like she was ready to leave. We took her "goodbye pictures" and the poor Elders asked to take a last district photo and we said "1, 2, 3... say April fools!". I felt bad they actually believed it, they said they both thought it was the 31st and so they weren't even thinking about a prank.

Spiritual thought:
-It would be so hard to choose just ONE thought or talk I enjoyed from conference, but I absolutely loved the theme of the covenant path and the importance of staying on it. We need to stay with God and not give up on Him just because it gets hard. He is the one who can help us through those times. He will never turn His back on us, so we must not turn our back on Him because things are working out how we hope to. Sometimes the miracle is God taking away the storm yes, but other times the miracle is God strengthening us to endure the storm. The gospel is truly the main and only source of TRUE peace, joy, and strength in my life. I pray that it can be the same for you. If you have doubts or questions about the gospel, it is okay! But don't turn your back on Him who is the source of all answers. One of my favorite quotes from Elder Holland said: "Stay for the whole feast, even if you're unsure about the broccoli" hahaha so good. If you have doubts or concerns, turn to Him. He is waiting! And you can always talk to me too :) 

I love you!

Sister Dickson

Bad tiwi
Bye bye Birdy
Conference round 2 in my fave ward
District menchies
Down by the river
Like mother like daughter
My child
Prettiest mission ever
bee sting

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...