Monday, September 26, 2022

Week 72: Fair Enough!

 This week was a good one! Hope its been good for everyone back home. The work is going pretty well, nothing too crazy as far as updates. Still, I hope you enjoy my email that I decidedly to finally write on time :))

Things to know: 
- I'm officially old. I got my plan this week. (For those who don't know what that is, it is plans for missionaries returning home in the next transfer). I really don't know how to feel about it. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited to be home with my family, but I also don't want to say goodbye to something that has been such a lifechanging experience for me. Very mixed feelings... good thing its not yet.
- The fair came to Lewiston and we did some volunteer hours this week for our community service, and at the end of it they gave us FREE ADMISSION! So we may or may not have been to the fair a couple of times during our lunch times this last week. We had yummy food and saw all the fun animals and things. Wished I could have gone on all of the rides lol!
- Kerby came to church and had his baptismal interview yesterday too! He is all ready to go for this next Sunday and we couldn't be more excited for him. It's going to be a GOOD weekend with his baptism and with General Conference! Woohoo!
- We had a fun dinner with some members and their less active son was there and we invited him to come to YSA today. We show up to church today and see not only that he came, but that he brought a friend too!! 
- Got to go on a mini exchange with Sister Lundell on Monday night because the STL's are supposed to meet our on dates! It was fun to be with her again for the night :))
- Sister Mac and I were having a little bit too much fun during a zoom call this week and our camera got turned off... hahah

Stories of the week/spiritual thought:


- I don't know why I feel like I should put this in my weekly, because its pretty personal and I usually like to keep my emails pretty positive...but here I am! These last couple of months (and honestly my whole mission on and off) I have struggled with some very real mental and emotional challenges. Ones I didn't even know I had lol, that had come as a result of some tough experiences in the past. And the mission really only brought them all to the surface haha. I never thought I would be someone to struggle with these things, and so I always just tried to put on a smile and pretend everything was fine. (I had gotten really good at doing it over the last couple of years!). I kept focusing on others because that's what I was here to do! Haha forget yourself and go to work am I right?! Thankfully it hasn't been severe enough that I've had to return home, but at times it has affected the work, my companions, and the way I feel about myself & God. I would go through phases of doing really well, and then suddenly one thing would send me spiraling back to what felt like square one. After lots of ups and downs and talking with friends, family, counselors, and my mission president I decided to go to the doctors this week and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety. This may come as a surprise to some since I seem like a very happy person, or I at least try to be. And I'm sure many of you will think "oh sure hop on the bandwagon with everyone else who thinks they have mental health issues these days". It is your choice if you want to judge. I don't share this because I'm looking for pity or anything, but I share this because the struggles I have been through on my mission are real and I felt like it was time to share what I had been going through. It hasn't been anywhere near easy, but because of Jesus Christ, His Atonement, and what I have learned on my mission, I have received so much strength and healing! My burdens may not be taken away, but because of Him they are made light. I am grateful that He has never left my side throughout this whole endeavor, even if I may not have felt Him there at times. I am grateful that He inspired me to seek more help, and while I know that this can't just be healed overnight, I've at least received some answers that I have been searching for my entire mission. If you are struggling with anything similar and need someone to talk to, please message me! I know what it feels like to feel like you have no one to turn to, and it is miserable keeping it to yourself. And whether you are on a mission or not, know that the power of Christ is real and is essential for helping you during times of trial. He does not look down on you for your weaknesses and struggles, He is there rescue you. (Even though that rescuing may look different for each of us!) I am grateful for these experiences on my mission that have taught me this, and could learn that above all God loves me and is proud of me. Still haven't quite learned how to worry less about what others think of me, but I felt like it was time to stop being ashamed and be real with you all. I hope that this could help someone, or at least make everyone aware that my life isn't as picture perfect as it seems ;)) I am grateful for all the prayers, love, and support that I have received over my mission. Special shout out to all my companions for being so patient, compassionate, and kind through everything! I know that these struggles are nowhere near over, but I know that with God: Nothing shall be impossible!!! 

Some good references quoted above:

- Luke 1: 37 - "For with God nothing shall be impossible.

- Matthew 11: 28-30 - "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"

- Mosiah 24:14 - "And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions"

- Acts 20:19 - "Serving the Lord with all humility of mind, and with many tears, and temptations..."

Also have some good general conference talks I've been studying lately on similar topics let me know if you'd want them :))

Love ya'll so much!

Until next time

Sister Dickson 


Thank you to those who sent me letters this last week, it was much appreciated.

My mailbox is still open for more too.

1319 Grelle Avenue
Lewiston, Idaho 83501

A real town name
Fair times
Hahaha oops
Just a reminder!!!
Just like old times
Macky + moo
The 2 coolest exhibits
The empire
It's fun to stay at the...

Monday, September 19, 2022

Week 71: Temple Birthday


Just had to let everyone know that I did not actually go to DQ on the Sabbath last week. I just had a poor choice of sentence structure lol. Felt like I had to clarify for anyone that was worried. Haha all jokes aside tho...

I also forgot to send this out earlier... yet again! So I am having this get sent out by mom, hopefully it works! This week was a great one, I'll just jump right into it!

Things to know:
- Got to celebrate Sister Mac's birthday (BIG 21)  AND go to the temple on the same day! Definitely a highlight!! Got some pretty nifty answers in the temple and it was very spiritual. I missed that place so much. Also my old WML was in my session?!? God is way too good. It was so happy to see him again! All my friends were at MLC that day too across the street and I wished I could go say hi lol.
- We had a great day down in the boonies this week and had an awesome lesson with our friend Kerby! Taught him like literally everything and he is so excited to get baptized! He quit coffee too!! #October2ndbaby!! So excited for him!
- We had a couple of our friends come to church, including our friend Reece who said she wants to get baptized before her boyfriend leaves on his mission in October too. So pray for my girl Reece !!!!

Stories of the week:
- Okay fave story of the week. We go teach a new friend we found out in Lapwai named Neil. He works at the gas station like every day, so we have to come teach him there. We gave him a Book of Mormon last week and we came back and taught him the whole restoration and after we get done teaching him, this random lady walks in the gas station and points at the Book of Mormon and says "That book is true, and its for you" LIKE WHAT?! It was so cool. Neil says he knows that God has been sending so many answers to turn him to our church, and that he is excited to read the Book of Mormon and come to church!

Spiritual thought:
- I learned this week that God is there for you whether you feel Him or not. I felt it for me so strongly in the temple this week!!! If you haven't gone to the temple in awhile... GO! Best place to feel God's love.

Love ya,

Please send me mail

My mailbox is so dry

And empty

And getting some would make me less depressed.

1319 Grelle Avenue, Lewiston ID 83501

Sis Diggy


(Don't worry Sis Mac only drank cider)
Good ol' Winchester
I <3 Sis Mac
Sleepy head
Best. Day. Ever.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Week 70: Nice & Good & Indian

 Haha decided for write mine early today so my mom doesn't have to keep sending them out for me. She wanted me say sorry for her sending out so many lol.

Things to know:
- Soooo I love Sis Mac haha. She is hilarious. Exactly what I needed to get out of a little funk I was in! God is good. Kinda crazy tho: I got a fortune cookie that said "An exciting new friendship will get you out of your rut" WOAH. Who knew panda express was so inspired? #swag
- She thinks I'm Indian and calls me baljeet haha so thats what the email title is about. And life is just nice & good right now :))))
- We have been teaching super well together and the MIRACLES have been flowing already! We found like 5 super solid friends! God just put them right in our path!
- I hit my 16 months today... Its starting to get weird out here haha. Time is not real...
- Katee still wants to get baptized but we moved it back to the 24th because of when her mom has work off! So pray for her.
- Said bye to Sis Lundy, but she's actually still my STL! So I didn't even cry when I said bye! Then I saw her again on Thursday because the other sisters we were in a temporary trio with went up to the new leadership meeting in Spokane! So kinda funny haha didn't even get rid of her.
- Cissa's birthday was one Sunday and she came to church and we gave her a lil present! Also it was an elders bday so we went to DQ as a district and it was so fun!
- Sis Mac's bday is tomorrow and we are going to the temple!! Sooo excited! She literally has 31 days left tho what the. So sad I get to be her comp for like 1 min.
- It is SOO smoky here. We live in this hole in the middle of Idaho so it all settles down here and its so bad haha. And I'm not even up in Smokane!?! Pray for our lungs hahah

Stories of the week:
- WE PUT OUR FRIEND KERBY ON DATE! Oh my goodness he is so amazing. He is a members husband and has been totally prepared. We went by for a dinner with them and he told us he was ready to be baptized and we were like. It was so awesome. October 1st is the day!
Literally so excited for him. He came to church too and he was just so happy.
- Also all my comps are dying for some reason, we had to go to the urgent care for Sis Mac... But she's all good now haha!
- Also last pday it was so funny. We went to Scotts house, and he has a straight medieval fighting pit in his backyard. The elders would put on all the gear and fight with fake weapons and I was way too entertained hahaha. I wanted to do it but didn't want to get rekt so I just watched.

Spiritual thought:
- Lately I've been thinking a lot about how God wants us to find happiness in the little things and how through the hard times we can still find joy! It definitely hasn't been easy lately, but because of my testimony being strengthened on my mission, I know that He is with me and giving me strength.
I am grateful to be here on a mission learning and changing and growing even when its hard, because I know it's all for my benefit. The enabling power of the Atonement is so real! That's all. Love ya'll!

Have a good week!

Also sorry I'm gonna beg real quick:

Please write me.

My mailbox be pretty empty.

And it would make me so so so so so so so so so happy if someone wrote me.

The end.

1319 Grelle Avenue
Lewiston, ID 83501


Sis Diggy

Bye Sis Lundy
Cissa's Bday
Elder Salin's Bday 
Happy place
Last pday
Only in Idaho
President gone wild
Sis Mac & Cheese
The Mountain
ice cream

Monday, September 5, 2022

Week 69: Mac & Cheese

 Forgot to write this before the end of pday again haha oops. Hope everyone had a great Labor day today!! 

Things to know:
- Had "danger days" on Friday and I got released as an STL. Honestly thought I would be sadder but I know it's what God wants so I'm excited for this next transfer.
- My new comp is SISTER MAC! I'm so excited haha. She's coming here to Lewiston and its her last transfer and its gonna be fun. She's the funniest sister.
- Katee moved her baptismal date to the 15th but we are so excited for her!!
- Sister Lundell is going up to Pullman and she's gonna be my STL! #parttwo and her comp is Sister Foote, I'm SO EXCITED for them to be my STL'S!!! Ahhh so fun.
- We got to go to the temple for our friend Scotts first time doing baptisms and it was so amazing. I missed the temple so much!
- Went on exchanges with my future comp and with Sis Fotu this week so that was fun!!!
- Saw Deanna and Rusty for lunch and we ate the FATTEST burgers ever hahaha.
- ALSO saw some other friends Jade and my old stake president's wife too! :)))
- My comps ear infection was healed after a 3rd visit to the ER hahaha miracles!!

Stories of the week:
- So I was having a rough morning on Sunday. We roll up to church and I had the BEST sacrament ever! So spiritual. The best part was CISSA AND MIKE BORE THEIR TESTIMONIES FOR FAST SUNDAY!! Oh my goodness my heart was so full and the spirit was so strong. It was like a direct answer to prayers and I was so grateful.
God is so good and I am so proud of them!

Spiritual thought:
- Alma 24 goes crazy!! Such a good chapter about "burying our weapons" or putting things of the past behind us. Been working on that lately and these verses helped me so much!!! 


Sister Dickson

3rd times the charm
BIG burger
Deanna + Rusty!!!
Last district dinner
Last Exercise
Never gets old
Sis Fotu
Sis Mac loves me
Sister Julian!
Stealing the moon
Temple with Scott!
The Teare's

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...