Monday, September 27, 2021

Week 20: Short & sweet

Hi everyone! This weeks is gonna be super short because I don't have any time to send this out haha. 

I had a good week, not too much to update on! My companion and I are continuing to work with my friends and got a couple to church and saw some good miracles finding this week! I also am loving eating with members so much! We had Zone Conference this week and I learned a ton and have lots of things to improve on haha but life is full of learning and growing! :))

I hope you all have a good week and take some questions to Conference this weekend because you'll be able to get answers! I'm so excited to listen to the Prophet and his apostles speak and give us guidance.

Love ya!
Sister Dickson

 My comp and I are at opposite points in our missions whattt
My mom sent me some awesome socks
I have the coolest zone ever thats all
My twin and I again :))
Does YOUR mission president wear clout goggles for a picture?
More clout goggles (it means cool sunglasses)
I love President and Sister LeBaron!!!
My fave Sister Schmidt <3
The Council! Aka the best ZLs

Monday, September 20, 2021

Week 19: Farts on the floor

 Heyyy errybody! This week was full of ups and downs, but I'm so grateful for how much I learn and grow each day! Honestly I don't have a lot to update on, but somehow this email will still be long.

Things to know:
- Sister Pardo and I put two more of our friends on date! But they are sadly struggling with the Word of Wisdom, so we are continuing to work with them because they really want to be baptized.
- Our friend Brayden wasn't able to get baptized on September 18th like we planned, so we pushed it out to December and are trying to do all we can and keep trusting in God's plan :)
- Our friend Michelle I talked about last week came to church again, along with some of our other friends, and she came to a relief society potluck and now has lots of friends in the ward! 
- One of the missionaries in our zone got emergency transferred to be a zone leader this last week so we said a quick goodbye :( Our zone is small now after two missionaries have left.

Stories of the week:
Not a ton of stories, but one of the nights this week we went to a member dinner and brought the Elders, and our member is a little interesting and made us sit on the floor haha so it was just super funny. One of the elders farted and I was laughing SO HARD. I would use the excuse that the mission has degraded my humor, but honestly I just have always had little boy humor haha. Another funny story that happened was I went to a member's house for dinner and found out that she went to high school with my aunt Brittany, uncle Brandon, and mom (her name is Heather Wilson for my mom's family reading this)! So I got to see some fun pictures of them all haha and it was fun to make the connections. Small world!

Spiritual thought:
My thought this week is on the importance of using your talents and spiritual gifts. I have been learning that we are all given different gifts and abilities, and we need to use them to bless the lives of others. Whether that be your family, friends, or others, we can all bless others around us with our talents and skills. So don't try and be someone else, be yourself and be who God created you to be. People will be drawn to you for who YOU are. So yeah that's all :)


Sister Dickson

See ya 
I love my apartment of sisters
Spokane's sunsets are almost as good as Utah's
Cat woman (the cat has some nice eye boogies yum)
I love this ward! They are the best
Everyone in the whole mission on our weekly zooms :)
I love my companion!!!! 
Finally got to wear sweaters
Happiest zone on earth! They are my favorites
More clout

Monday, September 13, 2021

Week 18: Milked my second goat!

 Hey everyone! This was a super fun week, and I know it was a pretty fun week for everyone back home that's a BYU fan ;) Haha I wish I could have been there for the game! But I'm on the Lord's errand so it's all good. Here's my week :)

Things to know:
- We saw a bunch of miracles, this couple just randomly showed up to our ward BBQ and said they had been wanting more friends and a new church to go to. So of course we invited them, and they came to church with us on Sunday! So awesome, God is so good. And our other friends came too!
- I went to my first Mission Leadership Conference and it was AMAZING! Its almost the same thing as Zone Conference, but for ZL's and STL's. I felt the spirit so strong and learned so much and it was so fun to see all of my friends there. It was honestly one of the best days of my mission so far.
- Also I went on exchanges with Sister Fotu for 24 hours and it was a party! And I hit my 4 months! Not really a big milestone but it's fun to keep track and see how fast the time is already going! :)

Stories of the week:
So yes I did milk another goat. This lady we do service for has them and we got to milk her goats, and here's the exciting part: She makes you drink its milk straight from the udder...yummy. Haha I wouldn't have minded it if it wasn't warm... she also shot it into my mouth like a rocket launcher lol. If you want to see a video of it you can ask my mom for it because I can't get it to attach sadly. 
A cool story from this week is from the less active member I mentioned in my first email. Her name is Michelle, and we had the most spiritual lesson with her about Christ's Atonement. Towards the end of the lesson she turned to me and said "I feel like I knew you even before I came to Earth" and I just cried. The Spirit told me that I am here in Spokane to connect with Michelle and it truly has just been the most amazing experience with her.

Spiritual thought:
This week my spiritual thought is on seeing ourselves as Christ does. At MLC we bore our testimonies as if Christ was speaking about us and it was the most spiritual experience. It also made me realize how many people doubt themselves and their abilities. If Christ loves us enough to sacrifice himself for us and God forgives us each time we fall, then why should we not love and forgive ourselves? The only person holding yourself back from your full potential is YOU (and maybe Satan but let's just ignore that guy). Doubting yourself is saying you don't trust God's judgement, because He believes in you and loves you so much. So believe in yourself like God believes in you, and know that you are loved and can do anything through Him. Never give up; keep trying and using the gift of the Atonement, and you will see His hand in your life.

Go spread the love

<3 Sister Dickson

Got to see all my favorite Hayden homies again
Exchanges with Sister Fotu!
Michelle with us at church :)
Fun rainbow wall pics for my 4 months
We bought clout goggles today hehe
Got to see Sis Bowie and Sis Sprehn, I love them SO MUCH
Picture with AP Pulu and Sis Pardo bc we are all brown

Monday, September 6, 2021

Week 17: I love to see the temple!

Hey Ya'll! I'm doing awesome, but this week week is going to be shortish because there's not a ton of updates, and I know everyone loves shorter emails!!! :D

Things to know:
- I GOT TO GO TO THE TEMPLE!!! Sister Pardo had a recent convert from one of her past areas invite her and we got permission to go. It was the most amazing experience I've ever had to have him baptize me there. I love this gospel!!!!
- Had exchanges with a Sister in my apartment named Sister Schmidt and it was so fun!
- Sister Pardo hit her 1 year! So exciting. Some members fed us a steak dinner for her special day and it was so good.
- One of my ZL's left to go to his original assignment in Canada this week and we said bye. Sad day :(

Stories of the week:
This week we continued to work with our referral Brayden I mentioned last week! He is 14 and made good friends in the ward, and even went to the young men's activity this week! He came to church again and loved it, and we met with him after. We had the most spiritual lesson ever, and ended up putting him ON DATE for September 18th!!! He was so excited and so were we!! Until today, we got a text from his uncle who has been bringing him to church. He said his mom doesn't want him to get baptized :( So please please pray for Brayden that he can get baptized. We need a miracle!!

Spiritual Thought:
This week my thought is on how the Atonement is a privilege. I read a talk by President Nelson that talked about how beautiful it is that we get to wake up every day and start fresh. The Atonement is such a gift, and I'm really starting to understand the importance of it in our daily lives. If you have daily detailed repentance, you will find so much more joy and happiness! The Lord does not expect us to be perfect, so stop beating up on yourself. He is just waiting for us to ask for forgiveness and He will give it to us if we try our best to improve! I promise that if you repent every day, it will help improve your day and your attitude! And you will see so many blessings!

Have a good rest of your Labor day weekend!

Love ya!
Sister Dickson

Our best friend Brayden!
Saying bye to Elder Moncur
Exchanges hahaha Sister Schmidt is so funny
My companion is old whattt
Sister Fotu and I being little kids again
The Happiest Zone on Earth

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...