Saturday, May 29, 2021

Week 3: Peace out Utah!

Hey Everyone! My last full week of MTC has come and gone so fast. I have learned so much and I know that I was meant to be in the Home MTC. And I am so excited for all my friends who will get to go to the Provo MTC, now that it is opening in the end of July! My last day of MTC is Tuesday, and I fly out to Washington on Wednesday afternoon. I am so STOKED!! (I am also a bit nervous, but I’m pretty sure that’s normal hahahah).

Also thank you to everyone who came to my farewell! I am so grateful for all your love for me. It was so good to see everyone, and I can’t wait to see you all again in a quick 18 :)

Things to know:
Sister Bird and I had 3 TRC’s this week with our friend named Maddie (if you don’t remember a TRC is where members portray people interested in the missionary lessons to help us practice teaching). She was super nice and we taught her about prayer and how the Holy Ghost can speak to us. We got her to say the closing prayer and invited her to read the Book of Mormon so that was pretty legit! (Yes I know they are fake lessons but it was still awesome). 

Story of the week:
Not really a story, but Sister Bird came to stay the night this week! We had a ton of fun together, and we got to watch our district devotional and do one of our TRC’s together! It was so fun getting to finally teach and study in person. I felt more like a real missionary! I’m so grateful for my companion. I love that we can teach and be serious, but have a good time too. She makes me laugh so hard haha. #rip

Spiritual Thought:
My spiritual thought this week is on faith. I had some hard days, but as I relied on the Lord and had faith that He would help turn my weaknesses into strengths, I started to see my confidence and my teaching skills improve. It is so easy to put ourselves down and get stuck comparing, but as we bring our doubts and struggles to the Lord and trust in Him, we will be so blessed! Sometimes those blessings don’t come right when we want them to, BUT: they always come. We just first have to believe in Him! Like it says in Ether chapter 12 verse 18- “And neither at any time hath any wrought miracles until after their faith; wherefore they first believed in the Son of God”. 

I love you all so much and miss you all already. Next time you hear from me I will be in Spokane (or some area near there haha). I am so excited to see what the next year and a half will bring. :) Peace out Utah!

Sister Dickson

(Also so sorry there are tons of pictures because I said so many goodbyes this week!)

1-5: Lots of Farewell pics! (so sorry if i didn’t include one you were in! i could only attach 12 pictures total, but i love you all so much!)

Said bye to my friend Jordy :’)
 Another pajama party district devotional!
Went to lunch and shopping with my aunt Jill and cousin Kelsey and said goodbye
Swag Sisters (& clout goggles for life)
I heart Sister Bird!!!! Such a cutie head
Last class altogether with Sister Millich :(
Bdubs and saying bye to the besties

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Week 2- I love Home MTC!

 Hello family and friends! :)

I miss you all so much! I cannot believe it’s already another P-day. Home MTC has been flying by and it has been the best experience ever!! I learn so much every day and it just makes me more excited to get out into the field! 

Things to Know:
Tomorrow at 10:30 Utah time I will be giving my farewell talk! Here is the link for anyone that would like to watch over zoom 

Anyway, I had tons of awesome classes this week that helped me learn how to become a better teacher and missionary! My comp and I had some awesome TRC’s (where members portray people interested in the missionary lessons) over zoom. We were able to have 3 lessons and teach Cydney more about the nature of God and she said she felt so loved in our meetings! I had some fun things too! I went to dinner last p-day for my friend Tristan’s birthday, and I went to lunch with my pal Kennedi Hancey so we could catch up before we both leave on our missions! I also went to Jane’s bridal shower (my soon to be sister-in-law), and today for p-day I met my companion in person for lunch! It was so fun to finally meet her! Sister Bird makes me laugh SO hard you guys. I’m gonna be sad when we can’t be companions in Spokane, because we work so great together I also got to do baptisms with my family today as well! It was so cool getting to go to the temple as a missionary.

Story of the Week:
Last p-day I saw my future mission presidents at Walmart! I’m so excited to see them in Spokane in July! They make me so excited to get to serve with them in Spokane. We also had a district devotional this week on Tuesday and heard some awesome things about missionary work (no surprises there) and had a pajama watch party over zoom haha! We had some good laughs after the devotional was over, and I’m just so grateful for a district that helps me learn so much and have fun while doing it! :)

My spiritual thought for this week is on prayer. Prayer is such a great way to communicate to God and feel His love. And He wants to guide us and answer our prayers so badly! He is just waiting for us to ask Him. If you are ever wanting to feel closer to Him or get some guidance, all you have to do is get on your knees! My teacher Sister Paul challenged us to pray aloud at least once this week and let me just say it was an awesome experience! I invite you all to try it and see how much love you feel from God after!
And keep in mind: 3 Nephi 18:20 - “And ​​​whatsoever​ ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given unto you”.

I hope you all had a great week, and have a great one this week too. And send me an email because I would love to hear from you! 

Sister Dickson

Pajama Party
My mini me... literally
Another bridal shower pic
P-day lunch with my favorite comp ever!
Baptisms with my family
Tristan’s birthday dinner last p-day!

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Week 1: First P-day in the MTC!

 Hello Everyone! :)

I have officially been a missionary for 4 days now (such a long time I know), and it has been the best experience! This email shouldn’t be very long since there isn’t much to update on after only 4 days haha. I also separated my email into sections to make it easier to read or skim through ;)

Things to Know:
I have THE BEST district in the world! I know everyone probably says that, but I seriously do! They make class and learning so much fun and everyone makes me laugh so hard. Like one Elder loves to change his virtual background on zoom multiple times every day haha. I also LOVE my companion! Her name is Sister Bird and she is from Grantsville, Utah. She is SO COOL you guys! I lucked out big time with such an awesome MTC comp. And I’m so excited because she will be flying out to Spokane with me on June 2nd!

Story of the week:
Nothing special, but in one of our classes we were learning how to draw on the whiteboard on zoom and our teacher told us to draw a farm. But the animals had to be missionaries? It got chaotic with everyone trying to edit at the same time, but I’ll attach a picture of it below because it was pretty funny. Also my cousin Kenzie got her mission call to the Colorado Denver North mission and I am SO EXCITED for her!!

Spiritual Thought:
Home MTC is so amazing and I cannot emphasize that enough! I love being able to share things I learn with my mom and the rest of my family, and have this extra time to spend with them. I also love being able to meet over zoom. I had my doubts at first, but I really have enjoyed it. My testimony has grown so much in just these 4 short days. You can definitely still feel the spirit over zoom! :) One thing I have learned is that no matter where I am (over zoom or in person) I am still a part of the same work. D&C 80:3 says- “Wherefore, go ye and preach my gospel, whether to the north or to the south, to the east or to the west, it mattereth not, for ye cannot go amiss”. 

I love that scripture because it brings me so much comfort not only for Home MTC, but in knowing that no matter where you are called, we all have the same goal: to preach the gospel! Anyway, the talker in me is starting to make this email long haha so I’ll stop. I hope you have all had a great week and I miss and love you all so much! Email me if you’re bored! 

Sister Dickson

My setting apart
The most awesome district (and teachers!) 
Presley and I got a last round of guitar hero in for the next 1 1/2 before I was set apart :’)
LDS farms haha
Me in the MTC hehe
Kenzie’s mission call

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...