Monday, August 8, 2022

Week 65: Down in the Cul-de-sac

 What's up everyone? This was a good week. There were some ups and downs as usual but honestly I learned some great lessons this week and I am #grateful !!!

Things to know:
- We had MLC this week! I know I said like a month ago that the last MLC had changed my mission, but this one changed it too! We talked about some culture we can change in the mission and how we can better focus on finding quality people versus the quantity. I had been stuck in a rut and felt like I was just going through the motions and I realized it was because I was lowkey taking the spirit out of missionary work. So I made some changes and honestly things have been looking up! I feel a lot more purposeful.
- Got to see some good friends too and it made me happy, but sadly some of my favorites are leaving this transfer.
- We found some cool new friends to teach with some spiritual experiences/miracles that I'll talk about down below!!
- Mike came to church again and we met with him like 3 times this week! He is the coolest and is progressing so well.
- Someone else we are teaching asked if we wanted some root beer, and then he accidentally handed Sister Lundell a beer. He is really old and has a hard time seeing sometimes, but it was pretty funny.
- Also my trainer surprised me again and it was SO good to see her! Love my Ash :))

Stories of the week: 
- So here's a little miracle finding a new friend this week: Tuesday night after MLC we are on a spiritual HIGH yanno, and so we are like "K where does the Lord need us to go tonight?". And I say I feel like we should go see this referral that lives out in Cul-de-sac (which is the sketchiest part of our area out in the boons, and we need a priesthood holder to come with us), but we don't know if we can get someone that last minute. We call up our WML and he tells us that tonight happens to be his only night off?! So we drive all the way to Cul-de-sac and turns out the referrals address doesn't exist... #rip. So we are like okay who do we actuallyyyy need to see here then and Sister Lundell says we feel like we should go see this man Chuck. So we go and he doesn't even live there anymore and we are like whattt the, but the lady that lives there said he lived in this blue and white trailer up on the hill so we go on the hunt for it. Suddenly ALL of the trailers were blue and white?! So the spirit tells us to go to this one in particular, and we knock 3 times and no one answers. At this point I am saddened because we felt so prompted and were so excited to see a miracle. We are walking away and are halfway down the road & we hear "HEY!". I turn around and there is a man standing in the trailer doorway and I was like I did not come all this way for nothing! So I sprinted to his door of course. It was Chuck! He was super interested and we made him a new friend being taught and went back again on Saturday and taught him the whole restoration! Anyway sorry this was long, but it was such a big miracle! And I have never actually ran to tell someone about the gospel and it felt pretty good.

Spiritual thought:
- This week I had a lot of spiritual experiences so I don't know how to sum them up here, but I'll just share a lil thought from a scripture that hit me this week! :

"I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive" 

I loved this because honestly lately I had been being pretty selfish and was always focused on what my companion or others weren't doing for me because I had felt like I was going out of my way to serve others and was getting nothing in return. This scripture hit me like a truck and I realized that I totally had the wrong mindset. I was very humbled and I'm grateful to see that as soon as I stopped making it about me is when I became a lot happier! So remember that "its not about you" and you'll start to focus on what you can do for others and not what others aren't doing for you. 

Kinda called myself out with that one bit felt like I should share! Anyway love ya'll!

Have a good week!

Sister Dickson :))

Ashy <3
E. Huckaba
E. Neerings
Happy days :)
I <3 Idaho
On the farm
Sis Belly
Sis Cravens
Sis Evans
Sis Jackson
Sis Lundy
Sis Nygard
Sis Wooly
THE table

Week 81: How far away is that plane?

Ahhhh. It's a weird feeling writing your last weekly about your last week as a missionary. I have had so many mixed emotions this week. ...